Meet Shak, our KYC Team Leader

Dedicated to understanding our members and their businesses better, the KYC team is the first team most members get to interact with – needless to say, they have a key role here at Tide! We’d love for you to get to know them too: here’s Shak.

👋Hey Shak! Introduce yourself in a sentence

I describe myself as; fan of Queen, mother of dragons 🐉, Barbados citizen, Tough Mudder Goddess.

The best quote to sum me up…

“Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking, but my smile, still stays on.” – Freddie Mercury, Queen (RIP) 

What’s your background?

My professional background is more closely linked to Fincrime than KYC. I’ve spent the last 2 years working in operational Fincrime roles and, prior to that, worked as a Volunteer Met Police Officer (Special Constable).
I have experience working in various front facing and back office banking roles, as well as working as a Security Leader for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. 

How did you cross paths with Tide? 

I have 6 years experience working in banking startups and, naturally, was aware of Tide in the Fintech space. I began to see more and more advertisements for Tide and when I saw the Team Leader KYC job posting I knew this was the company for me.

What’s your favourite part of your role?

Working with people. Knowing I have helped support my fellow Tideans, or offer a different and useful perspective on a problem they may be facing.

What’s your favourite Tide feature?

Categorisation of transactions and the ability to create your own categories. This makes your transactions clearer and easier to read. 

What’s the most interesting challenge you’ve come across since joining Tide?

To be completely honest, trying to work the coffee machine.

I feel like a barista, and yet manage to get it wrong, every, single, attempt. Why can’t I operate this machine!?

Working our office coffee machine… 🙂

What are you looking forward to most this year?

Tide: some cool features coming in this Q4. đŸ€«I have been sworn to secrecy, but I am excited for Tide and our members.

Personally: At the moment, getting a new Fitbit. Alta has served me well, but it’s time for a device that tracks more cool stuff like heart rate.

What do you like most about working at Tide?

Having the opportunity to learn more about area’s outside of my expertise. Since working here, I have a better understanding of data analytics.

Can you describe your team in 3 words?

Proactive, knowledgeable and eager

Favourite desk snack?

McVitie’s Penguins! 🐧 I’m going through 8 a day at the moment…

When you’re not at Tide, what’s your favourite thing to do?

I really enjoy challenging myself personally by learning new things! At the moment i am learning morse code -….-.-..-..-…. .–….-.– -.—-! (because why not!) and chess. Somehow I always manage to have 2 pawns promoted to Queens! 👑

Baby Shak

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